Sunday, June 30, 2013

DAY 13

Favourite song from Second Round (第二人生)

1. 2012
2. 仓颉
3. 洗衣机
4. 歪腰
5. 干杯
6. 我不愿让你一个人
7. 星空
8. 三个傻瓜
9. 末日
10. OAOA
11. 第二人生
12. 诺亚方舟
13. 有些事现在不做 一辈子都不会做了
14. T 121 3121

Yet another tough decision because this is my favourite album of Mayday's.

I am going to eliminate some of the songs so now I'm left with 《仓颉》and《诺亚方舟》.

I really like 仓颉's lyrics, it does not only portray Ashin as a talented person, it also portrays the amount of historical and literature knowledge he has within him.

诺亚方舟 has won the Best Song in 2012 in the Golden Melody Awards so I don't think it needs much explanation.

After like forever, I really still can't decide between 仓颉 and 诺亚方舟. So for a favourite album, I will make it an exception that I'm going to have 2 favourites. But they are both different in their own ways, I like 仓颉 for its beautifully lyrics and 诺亚方舟 for its touching melody and how it perfectly corresponds with the prophecy of 2012 being the end of the world.

Presenting to you my 2 favourites:



Saturday, June 29, 2013

DAY 12

Favourite song from Poetry of the Day After (後青春期的詩)

01 突然好想你
02 生存以上 生活以下
03 你不是真正的快樂
04 爆肝
05 噢買尬
06 出頭天
07 我心中尚未崩壞的地方
08 春天的吶喊
09 夜訪吸血鬼
10 如煙
11 後青春期的詩
12 笑忘歌

I'm having an easier time choosing a favourite from this album because I really really really really love 《突然好想你》.

It is very melancholic and given that I'm such an emotional person, it is of no doubt why I love this song so much. Every time I get upset with life, or when I really miss some of my friends or family, this song, even though it's melancholy, it helps to lift up my spirits by a little, because I know that out there, someone understands how I feel, and that I am not alone.


Friday, June 28, 2013

True love

Throughout the funeral I noticed how the wives took care and comforted their husbands.

Throughout our entire life we were being led by the idea of how men should be stronger than women. As the chinese saying goes: 男儿有泪不轻弹. But the truth is, we're all human beings. Being sad comes as a natural gift to us, and so is crying. When you're happy, you laugh, when you're sad, you cry.

Every time the husbands lose control and kneel in front of the coffin, the respective wives will either comfort them or just stand beside them, giving them moral support. Sometimes love is best expressed through silence. And it's these kind of love that amazes me. That no matter what happens, your love for your other half will never end.

And if you don't ever manage to find your one true love, don't settle for something lesser than that, keep searching.

DAY 11

Favourite song from Born to Love (為愛而生)

01 前傳
02 為愛而生
03 天使
04 我又初戀了
05 香水
06 摩托車日記
07 最重要的小事
08 快樂很偉大
09 忘詞
10 寵上天
11 米老鼠
12 一千個世紀
13 胎音

Without much consideration I picked my favourite. 天使 is this song that has been in my memory ever since I was in primary school. It is really one of the very few songs of Mayday that I can sing anytime, anywhere and still remember the whole song's melody and lyrics.

I really love the live version <3

Thursday, June 27, 2013

DAY 10

Favourite song from God’s Children Are Dancing (神的孩子都在跳舞)

01 孫悟空
02 倔強
03 垃圾車
04 小護士
05 讓我照顧你
06 約翰藍儂
07 回來吧
08 錯錯錯
09 晚安 地球人
10 超人
11 神的孩子都在跳舞
12 聖誕夜驚魂
13 垃圾車(朋友版)

This is such a tough moment. I really can't decide between 《倔强》,《孙悟空》 and 《垃圾车》.

倔强 gives me a lot of enthusiasm and hope because the song talks about how people should be stubborn when chasing for their dreams, no matter how much criticism or discouragements they get, they should always hold on to the things they believe in.

孙悟空's melody gives me a very peaceful and happy kind of feeling and I especially love this one sentence “人类累不累啊还在你争我夺”, it just makes me think about a whole lot of things more than to just live life the way it is.

垃圾车 is one song that does not need much explanation for, the catchy tune makes me fall in love with it every time I listen to it. Talking about friendships and how friends should always be there for each other whether life is sweet or bitter.

But I know that I have to choose ONE favourite, so I think it's gonna be 倔强. Even though I really really really love 垃圾车 as well. But 倔强 is a very significant song and important tipping point in Mayday's life. Hence, to be able to announce myself as a major fan of them, 倔强 is also a very significant song to me. Enjoy the MV!!

“你说被火烧过 才能出现凤凰”

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

DAY 09

Favourite song from Time Machine (時光機)

01 輕功
02 恆星的恆心
03 雌雄同體
04 阿姆斯壯
05 而我知道
06 賭神
07 別惹我
08 九號球
09 武裝
10 時光機
11 我們(時時刻刻)

A favourite? Must be 《而我知道》. Also my favourite MV, I like the story line behind the song, the lyrics and how it described almost every teenager's dreams and thoughts. The dreams that seemed so naive in every adult's eye but so worth fighting for in our perspectives. The dream of a young yet everlasting love.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

DAY 08

Favourite song from People Life, Ocean Wild (人生海海)

01 一顆蘋果
02 能不能不要說
03 好不好
04 相信
05 OK啦!
06 借問眾神明
07 永遠的永遠
08 彩虹
09 啾啾啾
10 純真
11 候鳥
12 人生海海


The moment of when you listen to only the first second of a song and you immediately know it's a song of Mayday's; because it's just too unique and special and original. I love Mayday to bits.

Monday, June 24, 2013

DAY 07

Favourite song from Viva Love (愛情萬歲)

01 為什麼〔今日的愛情〕
02 終結孤單
03 明白
04 心中無別人
05 有你的將來
06 憨人
07 叫我第一名
08 雨眠
09 羅密歐與茱麗葉
10 溫柔
11 愛情萬歲
12 反而

I had a hard time choosing my favourite from this album(I think I have a hard time for every album sigh)!! I like 《温柔》 because every time Ashin sings it, it gives me the goosebumps. I like 《心中无别人》because it was the first hokkien song of theirs that I came across. I like 《憨人》because all of you know why, coz it kind of represents their friendship!!!

But after much consideration, my favourite would still be 《憨人》. The song is too good!! ☺

Sunday, June 23, 2013

DAY 06

Favourite song from Mayday’s First Album (五月天 第一張創作專輯)

Another hard decision. Since it is favourite, there can only be one song.

《五月天 第一张创作专辑》
01 瘋狂世界
02 擁抱
03 透露
04 生活
05 愛情的模樣
06 嘿我要走了
07 軋車
08 志明與春嬌
10 黑白講
11 I LOVE YOU 無望
12 風若吹

The more popular songs of this album would be 01, 02 and 08.

But for a favourite, I'd choose 11.

I LOVE YOU 无望 is a song filled with many love and happiness. I always feel contented and happy when I listen to this song. It took me only a short while to learn (which I absolutely love) and I never get sick of the melody.

Sidetrack: the whole album was produced and written by 阿信. How do I not love this boy?

Saturday, June 22, 2013

DAY 05

Favourite Album

I didn't consider much for this topic because I only came to really really like Mayday last year, so I had the most exposure to their latest album 《第二人生》 which meant "A Second Life".

And because I was more interested in their news and all, I came to know a lot more about how they came up with the album and actually watched most of their interviews on different variety shows.

Since 2012 is the "Armageddon" year pronounced by many scientists, they got their inspiration from there and decided to make their "last" album should the world end.

01. 有些事现在不做 一辈子都不会做了
02. 我不愿 让你一个人
03. 星空
04. 洗衣机
05. 三个傻瓜
06. 歪腰
07. 乾杯
08. 仓颉
09. 2012
10. 第二人生
11. 诺亚方舟
12. 明日
13. OAOA (现在就是永远)

Be quick and let your ears enjoy themselves now if you haven't listened to this album!

Friday, June 21, 2013

DAY 04

Favourite MV

To be honest, I'm really not a very MV type of person. I don't really watch MVs so it's pretty hard to look for an answer. But, thinking back on all the Mayday MVs, I picked out 2 to be my favourite because they kind of belong to different categories.

1st favourite: MV with a story line 《而我知道》

2nd favourite: MV that inspires but has no story line 《诺亚方舟》

Hope you enjoy the 2 videos and the songs because they happen to be in my top songs list ☺

Thursday, June 20, 2013

DAY 03

Favourite Song

It took me a while to think of this. It used to be 《知足》 because it gave me more positive impact than any other songs could. It taught me how to appreciate and not take things for granted because happiness lies in the littlest things in life. But that was before I came across the song 《憨人》 which was written quite some years back.

I only got to listen to this song after the Golden Melody Awards 2012 when all 5 of them ate bananas on stage after receiving their award. I shall not explain the theory behind bananas but if you would like to know, watch the mv ☺

It became my favourite song instantly, or rather, recently. I never ever get bored of listening to this song and because it is so catchy, I took less than a day to learn how to sing it!

The song talks about how precious their friendship is, and also about how wild their dreams are and no matter how wild it is, they would do their best to fulfill it. Things may get hard along the way, but as long as you know your goal and you work towards it, no matter how much sacrifices made or how much tears shed, it would all be worth it at the end of the day.

Can somebody even tell me how Mayday teaches more moral values than school teachers?

Love them forever ♥

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

DAY 02

First song you heard

I cracked my brains while thinking for this answer because my memory is getting worse as I get older... But, I guess the first song I heard from them was 《天使》because it was the theme song for a Mediacorp drama series 《拥抱明天》in 2005.

I think if you've been watching Mediacorp tv shows since young you'd definitely have watched and loved this series! The song 《天使》 was no doubt a good song chosen to couple the series because it talked about the battling of kids against diseases. Now...time to relive our childhood memories!

I can't find the full version with the song only so this was what I could find best! Coupled with the last episode so free for all to watch and see if you can remember the scenes hehe ☺

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

DAY 01

When and how did you become a Mayday fan?

I actually kind of forgot when I really started to know the existence of Mayday. I have probably known them all along ever since I was in primary school? I remember hearing their more popular songs on the radio or on the tv. And even though I have to admit that their songs were able to touch my heart almost instantly, I was never a big fan of them.

My sister was the one who influenced me into listening to more of their songs and getting to know them better, not just as a band but as individuals as well. She always went to their concerts and would always exclaim to me about how awesome this band is and all I could do was listen and try to picture their concerts in my head because I have never been able to experience one.

So I guess I actually only really became a Mayday fan during the end of 2011. And I honestly regret this, not getting to know them better when I was younger. But I guess it's okay, because as I was reading Ashin's blog just now, he said 「加入五月天,永遠不會太遲。:) 」

Mayday has definitely brought countless positive impacts to my life, beyond what words can describe.


Monday, June 17, 2013

Mayday Challenge

DAY 1. When and how did you become a Mayday fan?
DAY 2. First song you heard
DAY 3. Favourite song
DAY 4. Favourite MV
DAY 5. Favourite Album
DAY 6. Favourite song from Mayday’s First Album (五月天 第一張創作專輯)
DAY 7. Favourite song from Viva Love (愛情萬歲)
DAY 8. Favourite song from People Life, Ocean Wild (人生海海)
DAY 9. Favourite song from Time Machine (時光機)
DAY 10. Favourite song from God’s Children Are Dancing (神的孩子都在跳舞)
DAY 11. Favourite song from Born to Love (為愛而生)
DAY 12. Favourite song from Poetry of the Day After (後青春期的詩)
DAY 13. Favourite song from Second Round (第二人生)
DAY 14. Favourite song that was not officially released in above albums
DAY 15. Favourite song sung LIVE
DAY 16. Favourite collaboration they’ve done
DAY 17. Who would you like to see them collaborate with
DAY 18. Favourite thing about Mayday
DAY 19: Favourite Mayday member
DAY 20. Favourite picture of Mayday
DAY 21. Favourite picture of Ashin (阿信)
DAY 22. Favourite picture of Guan You (冠佑)
DAY 23. Favourite picture of Stone (石頭)
DAY 24. Favourite picture of Masa (瑪莎)
DAY 25. Favourite picture of Monster (怪獸)
DAY 26. Write a letter to Mayday
Really wanna share some videos I took during the concert.

Really love how everyone sings along to this song! The blue lightsticks make everything look so beautiful :-)

Sorry for the short video and the abrupt end to this because I didn't wanna waste my time filming the rest of it, I wanna enjoy! Just wanna share this very amazing piece and I totally love how he gave an introductory speech prior to the climax of the song ♥

It's almost like a tradition for 冠佑 to say a joke during the concert and I must say he is really super cute!!!!!!!!! <3

Love it so much everytime he gives a speech. Filled with not only inspirational quotes and sincere words but also humorous jokes. He is my favourite <3

Appreciate it if you watched them, be it one, or two, or three, or all four ☺

五月天 明日重現 諾亞方舟 2013






“但其實人們都知道,就算搜集了全世界的鐘,也搜集不了一秒鐘。” 這是那晚我深深印記在腦海中的一句話。時間不會等待任何人。想要做的事就趕快去完成吧。


What I really loved about Mayday's concert wasn't how great they sang, or how fantastic their performances were, or how good they were at interacting with the audience. In fact, it was how they took everything into consideration, the audio, the video, the lighting, the sounds, the ambiance, and most importantly, the graphics and stage designs. You could see how much effort they put in to think of such a brilliant idea, incorporating a story line among the concert and leaving behind an important lesson at the end for all to rethink about. That time is never eternal, that the world will never be forever, that time, is, precious.

Zero zoom-in, yep I was that close *_*

Showing off his talent ~(*o*)~

Amazing stage graphic

Love this picture so much, my fav lead vocal <3

Sitting on their "little stages"

Focusing on the lead vocal 阿信 ♥

Really love how they always have their own "little stages"

Portraying Singapore's night view towards the end of the concert, I love MAYDAY!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Last night I woke up at 4:50 AM approximately. I don't know why I woke up suddenly, but I just did. And I once read something online which said "if you wake up without any reason in the middle of the night it means someone is staring at you." and I got freaked out. But it was my home so why should I be afraid?

Many random thoughts started to run through my head while I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't. My thoughts were rolling like a fast-forwarded movie. I thought about life, my life. I thought about 2013. I thought about my academics, my friendships, my life.

And I came to a conclusion that 2013 is a bad year. I welcomed the year with a fresh and cheerful mindset but for once I thought, optimism isn't going to work as you expect it to. Now as I look back on it, 2012 was so much more rewarding and enjoyable. 2013 decided to take me on a roller coaster ride. A bad one.

I almost got up from bed to write a blog entry but I chased the thought away. I don't want to be an emotional freak anymore. And I know it has been a really long time since I last got upset. I owned several blogs before this and all of them got really yucky and emotional until a point when even I couldn't stand myself anymore. So I removed them.

I don't want this blog to be the same. I want my blog to be filled with memories that are going to be worth reminiscing about and not memories that are going to make myself pity myself even more in the future. True enough, life is about ups and downs. But sometimes I feel like my life has so much downs and almost no ups and how is that even possible?

So this morning when I woke up I told myself I shouldn't be such a worry-freak anymore. Happiness IS a choice and I gotta make that choice. Not only for myself but more importantly for the people who love me. I know I'm a hard person, I'm hard on myself and I'm hard on people around me. But these people never leave. And for sure those who left are people I shouldn't bother chasing after.

It's time to be happy, yiqian. Because 2013 is almost half-gone and if you're going to let negative emotions take over you then it's going to be a waste. Time waits for no man so buck up now and l i v e, for once, for yourself, for your family and for your friends.

O p t i m i s m

Monday, June 10, 2013




Sunday, June 9, 2013

if only (if only)

if only 
i could tell you
how many times you run through my mind 
every day
how much i yearn to be right next to you
every moment
if only
all these were countable
and easily expressed
then i supposed i wouldn't be having such a rough time
trying to figure out
what i truly feel
but more importantly
how you really feel
about me