Seems like I've been neglecting this platform again! To be honest I haven't turned on my laptop in a really long time, I guess that explains the hiatus. Haha.
I was pretty busy with work as well and a lot of hanging out with my colleagues. Through this holiday I got so much closer to them and it made me really happy. We all come from different places, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, and yet we bond so well. We can talk about anything and everything and honestly, they make me love work a lot more.
Now that school is gonna start and the Wisma outlet is opening, we'd be seeing each other a lot lesser and it affects my emotions a little bit. I don't know if this is how things work but I realised every time I start becoming closer to a group of people, the time of bidding goodbye becomes nearer. I also don't know if it is the nature of human beings but I sure only start to realise I'd lose people I love only when they're about to leave. And this saddens me a lot, that I don't cherish while I still can. Which also brings me to another point, even if we started cherishing right from the beginning, we'd still be sad when it ends, right? But I try to tell myself that at least we have had the chance to spend time together like a family :')
Thursday, 10 April 2014 -
Went to Food and Hotel Asia 2014 with Keeli and 2 chefs, Darrell and Ah Cheong. To be honest, it was a little boring because (obviously) I'm not interested in kitchen equipment or chefs' clothing or how kitchen appliances work lol. I enjoyed myself coz of the company and the free food available hehe everything was very yummy! We walked from 11am to 5pm without stopping and ate non-stop too wtf gluttons and I don't know where our energy came from haha.
The chefs and us went separate ways after that and Keeli and I decided to go to Changi Airport. Super impromptu I know. Settled at TCC for tea and dinner, trying to lead the atas life haha. We sat there for a super long time just talking about random stuff and I totally love spending time like that.
Monday, 14 April 2014 -
It was a super exciting day for us!! We were planning for this trip since a few weeks back and we were all super looking forward to it! It had to be on a Monday coz it was the only day our Taiwanese colleague's not working. We actually wanted to go on a one-day JB trip but things cropped up in the end so ended up in Singapore still. Nonetheless, we had soooo much fun!!
Cycling @ East Coast Park > Singing at Teo Heng Katong > Dinner at Mookata!
Keeli, Me, Shihui and Fandy! |
Keeli, Me, Huiting, Fandy and Shihui!! |
Fandy, Huiting, Keeli and I! (thank you Shihui for being the cameraGAL) |
Keeli, Me, Huiting, Fandy! |
"ready???" |
JUMP!!! (our only successful jumpshot coz we couldn't jump with the timer and we got tired eventually meh) |
Super random pose LOL IDK??? |
Wassup OMAKASE Gangstas (serious contemplation on whether to post this pic coz UNGLAM TTM??) |
So qt~~ |
口爱~ |
唱歌咯! |
Xinyi joined us for KTV!! Yay to group shot! |
Group shot X2!! |
Shihui went off after that so it was only us for dinner! |
My qt boiboi and I~ |
Xinyi and Keeli! |
As I type this entry I find myself recalling snippets of that day, us laughing hysterically at really stupid things, saying Hi to random strangers while cycling, me falling and them showing maximum concern, talking bad about work (hahaha) and teasing each other coz that's just how we communicate.
I love these people to bits. And I'll always be glad to say I found you guys in Omakase. So thankful that this job brought us together closer and I definitely want more outings like this!! ♥♥
I love you people for small things like "tell me when you reach home" or "fandy you never bring passport?!" or "we going Huiting's house to stayover WITHOUT YOU" or "来哦来哦~"
Thursday, 18th April 2014 -
Met Xinyi and Huiting for dinner at Omakase and waited for the rest to end work and off we went to Teo Heng (again) for ktv session!!
my fav tim and I~ |
My girliesss who were there that night |
Fandy, Keeli, Huiting, Ah Wei, Andrew, Ah Cheong and Eric! |
Group shot x1 |
Group shot x2 and "why andrew shining so brightly" |
Keeli and I~ |
Fandy and I~ (bad lighting is bad) |
Andrew and I~ |
My fav chef and I~~~ |
Ah Wei and I~ |
One last shot with them gals~~~ |
It was a short but fun night with them. Many people would definitely be very curious as to why we part-timers are so close with the chefs who're all so much older than us but to be honest, I don't know why either. They're super friendly and nice and we just click super well? Either we're too matured or they're too childish, I'd opt for the latter haha.
As mentioned earlier~ Wisma outlet is opening next Friday and most of the chefs are going over there whereas us (the old part-timers) are staying in the old outlet. Which also means we will not be seeing them that often anymore. No matter what happens I'm glad we used to be so close. You people make me look forward to work so much. The endless inside jokes and teases we make about one another will never fail to make me laugh :')
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