Hi guys. Anyway, my 2 months holiday started on Monday. So, today is the 3rd day already? Feels a little bit fast and slow at the same time... And even though I have to admit that I probably have nothing to do these days, I won't complain. Because this is the life I've been waiting for. And I just don't understand people who complain about holidays. It is so contradictory to complain about exams and now holidays. Please, stop contradicting yourselves. Ok, I digressed.
The main point of this entry is to show you my life now. The picture above ^ is what I see every day now. The TV is for my mom's entertainment, and that's my laptop. I blog, watch youtube vids, read blogs, read thoughtcatalog, visit my usual social websites, listen to music, watch dramas, arrange my playlists etc. It sounds like a lot of things to do yah? It may sound really boring to some of you. But to be honest, this is the kind of life I love.
Some days, I can not talk for the whole morning because my mom hasn't come home from work yet, and I'd feel so happy. Probably even happier if I hadn't check my social websites. People just tend to turn me off real badly. I notice a lot of things but I just don't mention them. Why are you tweeting about that? Why are you posting that picture on Instagram? All for only one purpose: to seek attention. Well, to seek whose attention, that's the question. Don't worry, I have no interest to find out.
I may be a nuisance in a lot of people's eyes. I understand that it's none of my business what people wanna post. If I don't like to read, I can always unfollow them. And that is exactly what I'll do.
Sometimes the world baffles me so much that I really prefer staying home and being by myself. That's probably the reason why I'll never get a boyfriend or get more friends. Guess I'm just better left alone.
I'm catching Triumph in the Skies II now and it's kind of addictive. Am recommending it to all HK dramas lovers! Another proud thing to mention is I can now watch HK dramas in CANTONESE without the subtitles! A HUGE ACHIEVEMENT. I love myself. Gonna end off with a song from the drama which I fell in love with almost instantly. Enjoy!
Go the ends of the world for you,
to make you feel my love
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