Both dramas featured Priscilla Wong and Raymond Wong as the female and male leads and this pairing was very refreshing to watch! Priscilla Wong, being a new actress, did her acting fairly well and looked really compatible with Raymond Wong on-screen too.
Both dramas had a really awesome plot which I fell in love with immediately since I started episode one. Oh and if you're wondering, the two dramas are not sequels and have totally different stories and characters! So it is okay if you just wanna watch either one haha.

Swipe Tap Love basically talks about the modern world and the people's reliance on mobile phones. Which was IMO a very interesting and refreshing topic to film on. One of the dialogues I remember very clearly was the mom telling the daughter "Are you dating a man or your handphone?!" because she was so reliant on her phone she couldn't stop texting/calling people. Kinda reflects our lives now huh.
The story actually began with her being in a relationship with another guy. However, it showed how mobile phones will actually make relationships more distant and how the guy eventually grew sick of her and they ended the relationship. She then slowly became closer to Raymond Wong in the end through the use of mobile phones too. Ironically interesting, the two made communicating through mobile phones so much more interactive.
Throughout the show, they also inserted many Cantonese songs which were very apt for the plot and led my emotions throughout the whole show very well. Overall a happy plot as compared to the period drama.

Karma Rider is (obviously) a period drama and the story revolves around the myth of the Butterfly Lovers (梁山伯与祝英台) because the village which the characters were in was apparently the place where Liang Shan Bo met Zhu Ying Tai 300 years ago. Hence, both the female and male leads believe a lot in everlasting love and the affinity between people.
The ironic relationship between the two is because Priscilla Wong is a thief while Raymond Wong is a police. However, they started to become a lot closer because (obviously) Priscilla Wong isn't really a "bad thief" but more of someone who is very righteous and helpful, or in other words, kpo. She starts to help him in a lot of cases and a lot of things happened which led them to believe there's a strong affinity between the both of them.
The plot is definitely sadder than the modern drama and there were actually loads of scenes which I teared to but tragic love stories are what I really love hahaha. It doesn't only show how true love exists in life but more to the belief of how true love stays even through death and reincarnation. Definitely unrealistic in many people's opinions but I feel nothing is impossible, right?
There were also loads of life lessons and quotes shown in the drama which I love a lot too. I hate stories with no purpose so even though people may find such serious dramas heavy I enjoy the seriousness a lot instead.
Post-drama symptoms yet again. I really love this on-screen pairing and I hope they'll continue to collaborate in other shows again in the near future!
Alrighty thanks for reading and I'll update again soon whenever I can! :-)
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